Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rock star for a day!

Rosie won a GAP competition this week, and got to be 'rock star for a day' at a mall on Beach road!

Hair and make-up were part of the package. A 'professional' stylist worked feverishly to prepare her for her photo shoot.
I felt very nervous about her throwing a star-style tantrum and not allowing her stylist anywhere near her precious hair (let alone allow her to work on the make-up.) As you can see, this was not the case.
It was as if she has been applying and wearing make-up all her tiny life. She absolutely reveled in it.
Talk about Diva.......
Lipstick looking good!
Hair and make-up almost complete...
There we go. A tiny transformation. If she can only stop herself from licking the lipstick off her lips!
A natural in front of the flashing lights of the press (coming to a GAP clothing website near you!)
Post performance. Time to be inconspicuous to avoid unwanted attention from press and public. Out with the dark glasses.
Mellowing out after the gig, just strumming a tune in the dressing room.
I may be a crazy rock star, but I still need my mummy to take me home at the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. She looked adorable!! Well done for winning Rosie! Love Ella xx
